Monday, August 5, 2024

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family,

Psalm 113:4-6 “The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens. 5 Who is like the Lord our God, Who dwells on high, 6 Who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth?” In adult Sunday School yesterday we were reminded of the greatness of our God as we considered His self-existence. Nothing was before God. Nothing contributes to the make-up of God. Our God is complete without any aid from us. And yet, this text says that He humbles Himself to consider us – His creation. God does not need me, but He chooses to know and love me. He condescends to listen to my prayer.

Tom G is having hernia surgery today. Pray for strength and healing for Carolyn O. TBS begins a week from today. Pray for families and staff as preparations are made for this ministry to begin another session. Dale S is seeking employment. Ebony is on a half-on, half-off schedule at Mercury. Pray for tomorrow’s Wisconsin primary elections.

Tomorrow’s election is important not only in choosing party candidates, but because of 2 referendums on the ballot. If passed, these referendums will become part of the Wisconsin Constitution. I encourage you to go vote!

I believe the ladies’ summer Bible studies are coming to an end this week. Teens have an activity on Friday, August 16th at 5:00 p.m. It’s called “Get Soaked.” There is no imagination needed to figure what this activity will entail. Ladies are invited to the parsonage this Saturday, August 17th at 9:30 a.m. for the monthly Mugs and Muffins. This is a great opportunity to touch base as Christian women.

May you use this day to glorify the Lord Jesus. May His Word be rich in our minds. May we as a church model Jesus as lights in the darkness.

Embracing Truth. Equipping Saints.


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