Troaster Prayer Letter – December 26, 2013

Dear Friends,
CHRISTMAS – the Liberator was born… the Christ, Who would free us from ALL of our sin! Many Mozambicans have heard the Christmas story, but few understand the eternal impact that its message brings. Consequently, as in many other countries and cultures, Christmas is just “family day” – just another holiday – a reason to party.
SPIRITUAL GROWTH We are thrilled to see our folks pursuing conversations with others about the certainty of eternal life. They excitedly tell of these experiences. At the same time, we are acutely aware that making disciples is a process and not a magical moment or a one-time decision. Our teens, between 14 – 18 years of age, are struggling with their own physical desires in the midst of much pressure to give in to those desires. They wrestle with taking a stand for Christ without being considered weird.
So, in early December, we had a 3 – day    teen guys retreat to    help equip them for    their
daily battles. We ended up with 28 guys from our two works and two other churches. Most were in culture shock, being away from their TV for 3 days. WOW! They were not sure that they could survive such an experience. Upon re-entry
December 2012 (coming home) they realized they were returning to the “real world”. Two young men testified that they each had trusted in Christ as Savior, and others were challenged to live in
greater submission to Christ.
CHURCH LAND As we look to 2013, please continue to pray for the church land situation. God needs to move in a very special way in the heart of Mr. Salomão (Solomon) to keep the process moving. There appears to be no problems – we just need Mr. Salomão to take action. With that taken care of, we will need help in putting together the resources for our facilities. Many hands make light work. We will keep you posted.
Please pray that God would give us wisdom and strength in 2013 as we continue to pastor both
groups. Joanie teaches the children here in our neighborhood as well as the ladies and children at the church in town. Pastor Odenilson plans to be back in April or May at which time we will be free to launch the church in our neighborhood.
May His joy fill your Christmas and may 2013 be a year of growing more into His likeness,
Joel and Joanie Troester

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