Letter from Lloyd & Athena Peace

The Amazon Ambassador
“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the King.” Luke 2:10-11
We are thankful that the Lord allows us to share this message here in the Amazon. We deeply appreciate each of you who partners with us, whether prayerfully or financially, in this ministry.
Tuesday night, we had a group of twelve teen guys at our house for a Bible study and games. It was interesting to watch as one of the older guys who has the reputation of being a troublemaker finished his snack, took his plate and cup to the sink and washed them. As each of the younger guys finished their snacks, they each did the same. What a great reminder that one’s actions, both good and bad, are a powerful example. As we did our Bible study, I was thankful to see more than half of the guys struggling to find the passages. You might think that a strange thing to be thankful for, but what a blessing to have unsaved teens in our group to share the gospel with!
One of our main goals is to develop godly teen leaders. We want to focus on the ones doing things right, but it is easy to find ourselves spending more of our time with those who are sinning. Please pray for us to have wisdom in knowing where best to spend our time.
Jovens (this includes college, career and singles)
One of the highlights of our week is our Thursday night Bible study with the jovens. It has been a joy to see them becoming more participative in the studies. Some nights, we deviate considerably from the study I had planned, but it is a good thing. They are thinking and asking excellent questions. Several college students are home for summer break and we look forward to having them back as part of this group. Please pray that God would show us how to best challenge this group to grow spiritually. Many are involved in church ministries.
Construction continues, and we hope to be done by the end of January. All digging and leveling is being done manually. To date, fifteen truckloads of sand have been compacted by hand where the floor will be poured. The city removed the transformer we were using as a school was in need of it. That means we have no electricity available on site for the cement mixer and welder. Thankfully, we were able to borrow a gas powered mixer. However, it turns out the motor was not functioning correctly and I had to repair it before we were able to use it. A friend here in town is letting us borrow a transformer of his so we can finish up the welding for all the metal work. The electric company should have that hooked up later this week.
I have not had time to get our boat back up and running yet. I would like to get back up to Amaturá, but I need the boat to get there. Pray for us to have wisdom in counseling others. Pray also for some documentation I am waiting on relating to the airplane.
Your partners in reaching the world for Christ,
Lloyd, Athena, Julia, Jessica, Jacob, and Lucas Peace

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