Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Psalm 139:14 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” I encourage you to take a moment and read Psalm 139. You may be surprised again to read the many phrases that have made their way into our hymns and culture. The sum of it is at the beginning of this verse. Because of all he writes the psalmist determines “I will praise you.” May I determine to praise God today.

I thought we had a good beginning to two new or renewed ministry opportunities yesterday. Four men joined me at 6:00 a.m. at the church for a one hour Bible study. We had free discussion on how Christians ought to speak into their culture using Matthew 5:13-16 as our foundation. Then, at noon, 10 of us gathered for lunch and Bible study at Rolling Meadows. We talked about the same topic and learned from God’s Word and each other. Men for Christ will meet weekly. The Senior Bible Study will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month – September 15th is our next opportunity.

This coming week the Here a Little will answer “What does the Bible say about the purpose of government?”

Please pray for Jean. She still has two toes giving her problems. Pray for a young man named Michael. He made sure of his salvation last week and desires to know the truth of the Bible concerning Baptism and Lord’s Table. Pray for Christians in South Sudan and Uganda. Our missionary has learned that they are suffering again under COVID restrictions. On the other hand he also says that these tragic times are bringing opportunities for ministry.

Trinity Baptist School is open for business! We have 24 students enrolled including 5 in our Preschool. Pray for Mrs. Shaeffer!

Pray for the upcoming elections. Pray for COVID to not hinder our testimony or ministry. Pray for peace in our land. Pray that Jesus returns.

You are invited to the parsonage yard for a picnic on Friday at 5:00 p.m. Come when you can! The purpose of this evening is to celebrate the marriage of Tom and Marie Murray on July 21, 2020. Let me know if you intend to come. It’s a family night. Bring a lawn chair and come for food and fellowship.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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