Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Proverbs 12:15-16 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. 16 Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. As I read this chapter this morning these two verses amused and convicted me. Do I think I am right without considering advice? Do I show my annoyance quickly? How might I chose not to be a fool today?

Thank you for your prayers for our travelings. The Brakers made it safely to New Mexico and Lin and I to Florida. Pray for us again as we return Thursday/Friday. Lin and I had a relaxing Monday. We were ready for it after two days of traffic! I am looking forward to telling you about the church we visited on Sunday!

Here is a report from Joe C. about his work mate who had a terrible fall: “Mike had been moved a couple weeks ago to a rehab in Mayville. A few days ago his leg wound was found to be infected and he was rushed back to Thedacare in Neenah. Yesterday they opened the wound back up to thoroughly clean and pack with antibiotics. Everything went well and he is resting. Please pray for his continued healing and also that God may open the door to a better rehab facility.”

Also pray for strength and healing for Deloris and Jean. I believe Jean will have a meeting with her children this week about her care.

Praise the lord for a great school auction. I’m not sure what the final tally is, but God was good in bringing us many items and bidders.

Wednesday is Awana and Bible Study. This Lord’s Day is Church Dinner Day! Charlie is preaching in the morning and I have the afternoon devos. We will be in 1 Kings 17 and the arrival of Elijah the Tishbite!

Rebekah Fruin and the Smiths are in Poland helping refugees from Ukraine. In a letter I received this week, Rebekah mentions a couple of avenues through which we could give money to help this cause. I read in my news that 1/4 of Ukraine’s population and left the country and the rest are displaced. Pray for the Ukrainian church to glorify Jesus.

“Come, Lord Jesus.”

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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