Friday, May 29, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, It’s TBS Auction Day! It’s a bit weird because the auditorium is not set up for an auction and there are not a lot of last minute things to do because the auction is already happening. The Dave Shell Memorial Auction ends at 8:00 p.m. today. If you have not yet checked out the 145 items on I encourage you to get there soon. The clock is ticking!

Take a minute today to pray for our school. We have seen many young people go on for God in wonderful ways upon leaving our school. Our graduates include pastors, nurses, teachers, missionaries, a federal agent, busy moms, business owners, salespersons, an accountant, factory workers, a machinist, and many other professions. A majority of our graduates are active in a church a lot like ours. God has blessed many families through the ministry of our school.

Our church heavily subsidizes our school by paying salaries of pastors who teach and by providing the building. The fundraising we do accounts for 1/3 of our school budget. Parents pay the rest. At this time we receive no government support. The school budget pays teacher’s salaries, buys curriculum, and purchases all the things that are needed to complete a school.

So it is good to pray for our auction! Pray that today help provide a “Quality education in a biblical setting.”

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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