Troesters on 9-28-13
Best to write now. This morning we received word that Pr Odenilson’s church had been broken into Saturday night. When they arrived Sunday morning, two very strong padlocks had been broken and a strong wooden door demolished to gain access. Almost all of their plastic chairs were stolen, some of their sound equipment and a variety of other things. This is the church we have covered for twice for them. They had their services with most of the folks standing through the service.
The sister of one of the teen guys that has sporadically participated in our church committed suicide Saturday night. She was around 26 years old. Pray that we would use well our opportunity to minister to this hurting family.
Nelson, our brand new babe in the Lord, gave a sweet testimony tonight on how God is working in his life. He has brought his friend Pricila out for the second time as well.
We praise the Lord for His goodness and the opportunity to serve Him here in Mozambique,
Joel and Joanie Troester