Prayer request from Wayne Rose
Wayne and Cathy Rose have asked that we pray for Wayne today. He has an infected toe that is causing him a lot of pain. He is on an antibiotic, but does not see the doctor until Thursday.
Wayne and Cathy Rose have asked that we pray for Wayne today. He has an infected toe that is causing him a lot of pain. He is on an antibiotic, but does not see the doctor until Thursday.
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Often during the last few months in many different venues, people have talked about how bad 2020 has been and how we hope for a change in 2021. 2020 is named a pariah by almost everyone. I identify with this sentiment. Personally and professionally, 2020 has brought unexpected pain. Perhaps Psalm 88…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family (really just choir members): I am sorry to clutter your inbox, but I have not put together a mail distribution for choir members and since there are over 20, this is the easiest way to get this news out. Without going into all the personal reasons for this, here are…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Sunday is Church Dinner Day! Also Missionary Carolyn Price will be in our adult Sunday School hour and our after lunch service. We have many health needs among us. Tony McCrary is still in ICU in Manitowoc. He has a virus and internal bleeding which has led to other complications….
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Just a reminder that tomorrow is Church Dinner Day! For you who might not be regular to our church dinners, bring a dish or two of something to share. Drinks and table service are provided. We will eat soon after the morning service ends. After lunch and time to fellowship,…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Colossians 1:3 We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you. I had fun at yesterday’s Senior Lunch. Those over 50 who are able should make plans now to join us on Tuesday, December 20th for our next opportunity of food, fellowship, and edification….
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Please pray for Bonnie Fiebig. She is in great pain. They took her to the emergency room in Madison in hopes that perhaps she might have emergency surgery to relieve the pain. Pray for wisdom and great skill for the doctors. Tonight’s school silent auction begins at 5p. The live…