Praise letter from Lloyd and Athena Peace
Dear Friends,
Today was Athena’s follow-up appointment with the oncologist. We are praising God that her CT showed no change in the lung nodule. She is scheduled to have her port removed on Tuesday at noon.
After Athena’s appointment, we came home and purchased our tickets to return to Brazil. Our flight leaves Chicago on April 13th at 0900. We will arrive in Santo Antônio do Içá on April 18th. We are thankful for Ashley who will be spending a couple of months with us helping out with homeschooling and the house while we deep clean the mission house and unpack. She will be mailing her visa application in tomorrow, so please remember to pray for that process.
I am leaving early tomorrow morning (Friday) headed to Florida for a class in maintenance of Rotax engines (airplane engine). My aviation director will be attending this course with me.
We would appreciate your continued prayers these next weeks as we work on many last minute details before heading back to Brazil.
Thank you for being a part of our ministry!
Lloyd and Athena Peace
Julia, Jessica, Jacob and Lucas Peace