Cheryl Boisvert
Today, I (Cheryl) have the privilege of writing to you, as I sit in a guest house in Uganda waiting for a storm to roll across Lake Victoria. After three weeks of modules in Western Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, I am eager to share the joys of our partnership with you. We serve a kind, but powerful, God—and there is nothing better in life (2 Timothy 1:1).
Christ Army Mobile School of Ministry (CAMSOM)—W. Kenya
It was a rather festive gathering at lunchtimes, not unlike a Campus. We rejoiced over what
was doing here as we thought back to January 2011 and our first module in this place. At that
we saw nine faithful men who worked through the Certificate in Biblical Studies classes.
we are seeing at lunchtimes three classes gathered to chat, as all students do. I taught the
Studies class, and Doug taught the diploma level class. A new addition was a second Men’s
Certificate class taught by two local pastors. Pastor Thomas, the founder of CAMSOM, has three
other Pastors working with him to teach the lower level training and a second satellite location in full operation in another Kenyan village. How amazing our God is!
God did not stop there as His people gain a better understanding of His Word. The ladies have
become actively engaged in church ministry and have taken new interest in the local widows and
the children at a local orphanage. So many of you responded to the request for craft supplies
in our last letter that we were able to bring a very heavy, large suitcase full of every possible aspect of each craft—as well as enough money to purchase yarn locally. Your generosity really touched the ladies, and they asked me to tell you this: “The mothers of Kenya thank God very much for you, for caring for us and for respecting what
we can do. Thank you for sending so many things for us. We promise to work hard to support
orphans and widows in need. We pray that we will continue to teach the women that they can
work with their own hands to give to others.”
Bukeeka Evangelical School of Theology (BEST)—Uganda
This module concluded with another milestone for BEST: a graduation was held on Friday of the second Certificate of Biblical Studies class (red gowns), Certificate in Biblical Studies for Women (white gowns), and Diploma in Theology (black gowns). (Photo, side one.) We thank Baptist Bible College, in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, for the latest crop of graduation gowns. (May I just say that the white gowns made the ladies feel as lovely as the Holy Angels!) Faculty is increasing as BEST founder, Robert Sityo, adds local Pastors to assist in the teaching—volunteer teachers, who will be paid in heavenly gold, silver, and precious stones! For the next two years, Doug will help the local men keep the school going while Pastor Robert is in the U.S. pursuing a Master’s degree. Please pray for all concerned: for faithfulness, wisdom, and minimal distractions in this calling.
Turiani Training Center (TTC)—Tanzania
This new training center was independently organized in cooperation with Reaching Through Teaching (RTT) by Pastors Michael Nhonya and Jonas Isadory and by Tri-M Africa. The week ended with the first graduation of the newly-named training center. Fourteen men and six
women celebrated their achievement. Doug taught the first Diploma classes during the week, and all the men filled out applications for TTC to receive credit. At the graduation, the Class Representative thanked all who made the training possible: YOU! He also expressed appreciation for all the Bibles, eyeglasses, medicine, pens, and written class notes that we
brought them. They also made a formal request that we extend the training to two weeks and that they be taught English (ESL) to help them make better use of the resources. We agreed to explore the possibilities for them when we return home. Neither Doug nor I are not trained in ESL, but if any of you can direct us to those who may be able to help us acquire the appropriate materials—or who are even willing to go and teach English there, please contact
Why are these schools so significant? Because now established, they will be able to train the village Pastors who already have been called and are now serving, but who would have no other opportunity to receive any biblical training. Each venue is designing its own program to be uniquely suited to the local needs and culture, and each functions a bit differently from the others. You will share in the rewards!
A Sweet Moment
Not being fluent in Swahili nor familiar with the layout of the various cities and their transportation requirements, Doug and I have always had escorts in Tanzania; but this time Doug thought we could negotiate the last leg of our journey ourselves. I was a little nervous but prayed for God to provide just the right taxi between the bus station and hotel—a person who was honest and a car that was safe. We made our choice of drivers, negotiated a price,
and headed for the car. As the driver was opening the trunk, I noticed a small sticker, about five inches square, that declared, “This car protected by the blood of Jesus!”
Deep inside a Muslim country, God had directed us to a fellow brother in Christ!
Prayer Requests
Please join us in prayer for Doug as he heads to Mongolia at the end of September. Pray that we can help the Mongolian students grow in wisdom, discernment, and understanding to become life-long students of the Word. Also pray for the strength and perseverance of the translators, who are responsible not only for the translation work but who are also Mentors to students between our teaching trips. After translating for us all day, they work with
students well into the evenings to ensure cultural relevance.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
“To this end I also labor, striving according to His working…” (Colossians 1:29)