Boisverts are safely home!
BOISVERTS home safe and ..OK we are home at least
Praise God we have arrived “home” in Kokomo,IN after some 30+hours travel across 8 time zones and 3 continents :-). Nothing abnormal for us true yet somehow these trips seem to get longer the older we get.
Thank you for praying for the trip to Uganda, Western Kenya and Tanzania. we were 4 weeks teaching and had two men come and go, each separately spending a week to two weeks with us teaching. Our auxiliaries were great and the teaching venues all show potential transitions that are very positive yet challenging.
More to come after getting our taxes/FASFA forms cared for and a day of rest Lord Willing. Yet we will update you before we leave for our 3 week Stateside Mission Conferences travel out east in March.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
“To this end I also labor, striving according to His working…” (Colossians 1:29)