Thursday, April 16, 2020 Fear#30

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, 

Fear cripples. Fear is debilitating. Fear keeps us from being who we ought to be and doing what we ought to do. Our sinful weaknesses allow fear to rule us because we cannot control the unknown. And since we cannot control it, we fear. Some profit from selling fear. Some media keep their sales up by stirring up fear. Some government officials gain pseudo credibility by assuming control over that which they cannot or ought not control. “Pastor, are you angry again?” Yes. I am angry at the consequences of sin. I am angry at those who are conniving to profit by promoting fear.

The Jews who returned from Babylon were weak and insignificant in number. They were surrounded by powerful kingdoms and they had no army, no central government, and no commerce. God told these fearful people, Haggai 2:5 “According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!” Two things should drive fear from the mind of the believer – the promises of God (the word that I covenanted with you) and the presence of God. The amount of fear you experience today will be in direct contrast to your trust in the promises and presence of God.

Pray for our church family (and me) that our responses to the present circumstances might be enabled by God’s power and truth.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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