Lloyd Peace – 2011, November 9

Thanksgiving: We are thankful for so many things. Here are just a few…
our faithful prayer warriors
our faithful financial partners
fellowship we have been enjoying with our home church family
renewing friendships and acquaintances during our furlough travels
time spent with family and friends
kids are enjoying Ottumwa Christian School and a break from homeschooling

International Dinner

Our annual International Dinner is a great evening of potluck food and fun for the whole family. Joel and Joanie Troester, missionaries to Mozambique, will be our guests for the evening. Come join us on Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Be thinking of what foreign fare you might share.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday was a good day. In our teen and adult study during the Sunday School hour, Darryl Mayes continued his series on Sticks, Stones, and Living Waters” – a look at pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament. I continued our Romans series during the morning worship service. We looked at the relationship of believers to government in chapter 13.

Carolyn Price, Octboer 1, 2011

I am leaving Pembine today. You might think, “Well, Carolyn, you’ve been traveling almost the entire year, of course you are leaving Pembine.” But today is different. Faith Baptist in Pembine is my “home” church – it’s where I have “hung my hat” for the past 14 months. As I watched everyone in church on Wednesday night, I realized just how much everyone has come to mean to me.