Friday, August 16, 2019

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Let’s talk about Sunday School. The name is 150 years old. It comes from an era when children worked in the factories. Good people would gather children on their one day off so they could learn to read and write with the agenda that they might be able to read the Bible.

In America in the contemporary Christian church, Sunday School is a class that teaches the basics of the Christian faith to young people. Sunday Schools are often not in session during the summer. In many churches, adults have no Sunday School. Some evangelical churches have offered ABF or Adult Bible Fellowships during the Sunday School hour.

At Trinity Baptist, the Sunday School hour is a primary teaching time for all ages – 2 years to 102 years. In the elementary grades, we follow a curriculum that systematically teaches the whole Bible story. Those who come through our Sunday School should know the difference between Hezekiah and Barnabas! Parents who do not make a priority of Sunday School are keeping their children from a prime opportunity to learn the Bible.

For teens and adults, we rotate a curriculum that teaches the whole of the Bible, doctrine, and addresses contemporary issues. If an adult attends our Sunday School for a decade, they will have heard the equivalent of a 3-year Bible Institute education. Our Sunday School is a great place to learn!

During the Sunday School hour, I often have missionaries present their work. This week, Robert and Brenda Oetman – our 20-year veteran missionaries to South Korea – will be bringing us a report on their ministry during the Sunday School hour. If you are part of TBC, this is your one opportunity to learn first hand of their ministry.

I believe Sunday School is very important and I am proud of our Sunday School – its staffing and its attendance. Bring your family to Sunday School – 8:45a. We begin in the auditorium.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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