Saturday, November 25, 2023

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Mark 14:38 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” The seasonal darkness, the virus bugs among us, the inconsideration of others, and our own selfishness all show up during holiday seasons. It is watching – keeping our eyes on Jesus – that will keep us from sin and bring us better days.

I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. We safely travelled to and from Minnesota and spent Thursday with my mom’s side of the family. I was able to visit with 4 first cousins. Like me they have children, grandchildren, and in-laws. We counted 37 there at one time or another on Thursday. And then on Friday, our children decorated the parsonage for the winter season. We “men” hunted down a tree while the ladies changed our home from orange to red and green. I am blessed in so many ways. 

Tom M went to the hospital on Tuesday with blurred vision and some dizziness. During his testing they determined that he needed a pacemaker. So one was placed in him on Friday. As of yesterday, he was feeling well and expecting to be home today. A hearty “thank you” to Linda M for providing transportation and caring for Tom and Marie this week. 

Dave and Kathy R’s daughter gets married today. Pray for strength for Kathy. Pray for wisdom and healing. I believe Kathy may begin more cancer treatments next week.

Pray for better housing for Jacob F.

Pray for the ministry of the Word tomorrow as we come together for worship. Tomorrow, November 26th, is Church Dinner Day. We have a missionary to Ireland who will be in adult/teen Sunday School and after lunch devos. We will take a second offering for them.

If you would like to give Scrip cards to someone for Christmas, buy them from Trinity Baptist School. Ordering a bunch at a time helps us save on expenses. We hope to order this week. We will have them by the end of the week. See Beth on Sunday! She will be in the back of the auditorium after church. We can get scrip for restaurants, department stores, grocery, gas cards, and more. It costs you nothing, but planning ahead. We need to take cash or a check for this. You may pay when you order or when you pick them up.

On Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m., bring your family and a snack and join us as we decorate the church for Christmas! I’m not whining, but the past couple of years it has been the Brakers and the Leeds for this event. Let’s fill the home of God’s church with noise and color!

Embracing Truth. Equipping Saints.


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