Prayer letter from Carolyn Price – June 20, 2014
This afternoon, I will take my suitcase, computer, and teaching materials and will stay with a family while I teach in their church at night for the next 5 days. The church is too far away for it to be practical for me to return every day to the house where I live. The sessions start each night at 7:30 and I am told by the pastor that there will be 16 students.
It is always a challenge to teach. (There is a saying that reads, “To teach is to learn twice.”) Please pray for wisdom as we work towards a godly philosophy in regards to ministry with children (the future potential and assets in every church) that will glorify the Lord and be a blessing to those attending who want to learn better how to teach, as well as to those who will one day be taught by them.
Thank you all so very, very much for being a part of the ministry here through your prayers.
Carolyn Price