Here a Little for January 26, 2014
Monday – read Matthew 4:12-13
Why do you think learning of John’s murder would cause Jesus to relocate?
Tuesday – read Matthew 4:14-17
How did Isaiah describe the ministry of Jesus to the region around Capernaum?
Wednesday – read Matthew 4:18-22
Why might Jesus have called these men – what were they doing?
Thursday – read Matthew 4:18-22
Why might Jesus have called two sets of brothers to himself?
Friday – read Matthew 4:23-25
What two things did Jesus do in this early ministry?
Saturday – read Matthew 4:23-25
Why do you think crowds were attracted to him?
Pray for us …
Church Ministry: Camping
Families are encouraged to take advantage of good camps so their young people get concentrated times of preaching and Christian fellowship.
Church-supported Missionary: Nestor & Lallie Lubuguin
Nestor pastors a church in the Philippians that supports many missionaries throughout the Philippians and southeast Asia.
Our church recently sent them a gift to use for those who are suffering in the aftermath of the typhoon.
Members of the Body of Christ:
Sean & Sarah Lapp, Logan, Jasmin, Malachi
Sean works as a mechanic at a local trucking firm.
Sean is a member of our Finance and Building/ground Committees. Sarah is a member of our Christian Education Committee. They both serve in Awana.
Sarah is expecting their 4th.
Dan & Linda Leeds, Charlie
Dan pastors Trinity Baptist. Lin teaches K-2nd grades at TBS.
Charlie is a sophomore at Maranatha Baptist University. He serves on the computer, sound system, and in choir.
Sarah Leeds
Sarah teaches 3rd-5th grades at TBS.
She helps Kim S with nursery, is a Cubbie Leader, and sings in the choir.
Bonnie Lucarelli
Bonnie sings alto in our choir. She works at Target.