Friday, January 17, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Last evening I was struck by the last 3 verses of Psalm 48:12 “Walk about Zion, And go all around her. Count her towers; 13 Mark well her bulwarks; Consider her palaces; That you may tell it to the generation following. 14 For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death.” Israel was directed to pay close attention to the city of Jerusalem, so they would be able to describe her to generations to come. I take from this that I ought to pay close attention to God and what He has done that I might pass it on to those who follow me. I praise the Lord for Trinity Baptist Church and its ministry emphasis on teaching children.

Pray for the Purcells. Ross is at the Lutheran Home with the agenda of gaining strength. Carol is in the hospital. She seems to have beat the pneumonia, but was being treated yesterday for a blood infection. She is very weak. Pray for others who are the shut in of our church family: Bonnie Fiebig, Janet Russell, and Tom Michler. I also ask you to continue to pray for an unspoken request that I have.

Our TBS auction wheel barrel is accepting donations for cooking or the kitchen in January. Please bring in items that might go into a couple of great baskets for our school’s auction on March 20. Souped Up! is only three weeks away – Thursday, February 6th. Ordering forms are available. See Beth Braker or check on the back table at church.

This week we continue our two teen/adult Bible studies during the Sunday School hour: Studies of God (theology proper) and How to Read the Bible for Profit. In the morning service we will learn about talking from the book of Proverbs. In the evening service our preacher is Pastor Shaeffer as he continues his walk through the life of Jesus in Luke.

Remember to “Consider God; That you may tell it to the generation following.”

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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