Boisvert – September 2011
“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God”. We began our trip asking God to help us to put aside our concerns about EBM closing and what that would mean to us, so that we could concentrate of the task before us of training men and women to serve Christ. We are so thankful that we serve Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides, trusting ourselves into His care.
New School, WEEK 1- Bukeeka, Uganda
It was thrilling to be in Bukeeka, Uganda with Pastor Robert and Sarah, and see the formation of the Bukeeka Evangelical School of Theology (B.E.S.T.). At the close of the module it was requested that we come for a module in January, as the certificate level of training could then graduate following the completion of their last module. It seemed as though we had just begun and here they are 2/3 of the way through. It makes a difference working in Partnership with capable local men who can teach additional modules. This is why the certificate level for men are able to make faster progress than the women’s classes where Cheryl is the only teacher.
Cheryl graded quizzes every evening with Sarah, who translated from the Luganda for her. By the end of the week, Cheryl graded the 2 English papers and Sarah graded all of the Luganda. It was exciting to discover, Sarah and 2 other women from Cheryl’s class were heading 4 hours north of home to another church plant, to make arrangements to begin training these women in the classes that have already been taught. 2 Tim. 2:2 in action!
New Trainer, WEEK 2-
Pastor Thomas Odari has a vision to raise up an army of trained men. This will come along more slowly than some other venues, as the Pastor is still working on his own degree while pasturing and discipling other men. Since this is more rural, the teaching is not as advanced as in some other places. Doug is working with him to allow this vision to develop as he does. Because of Tri-M, there is a potential for connection with other men that can be of assistance. Doug is pleased that there is evidence that the students here seem to be catching Pastor Thomas’ vision, as well. This was an important module, as for the first time, Pastor Thomas taught Old Testament Survey while Doug taught a doctrinal course. He seemed very well received by the students, who reported that their week of training was “wonderful”.
Twenty-eight women returned and diligently studied The Christian Life and New Testament Survey all day on hard benches. This was amazing to see, since most of them are rural women with limited educational opportunities. Cheryl took extra time to tutor the Pastor’s wife, who had to miss part of the training while she cooked for the class.
NEW VENUE WEEK 3 — Arusha, Tanzania
We had our newest venue the third week in the shadow of Mt. Meru…second only to Kilimanjaro, and of Mt. Meru University, which was first established as a Baptist Seminary in 1962. However, we had a class full of men who are village and township Pastors, who are unable to get the theological training that they longed for, not having the finances, or time to take off from their ministries to get it. What a joy to give them this treasure. These men were exactly the type of men whom we are targeting for training. Professor Jackson, our Ugandan Partner in East Africa, did a great job arranging the module details. The men were so thrilled with the potential of this training, that they brought us several suggestions for other venues in Tanzania to explore.
The ladies class had a decidedly international flavor this week. Women from Rwanda, Liberia Kenya and Cameroon joined the Tanzanians. Most were leaders of ministries or pastors wives, so this was a good representation of ministry people. For their part, they reported that they saw God’s hand in both the timing and the subject matter. Praise God!
Trips have been delayed for rest of the year as we regroup from EBM’s closure. We praise God that HE has opened opportunity for our Ugandan partner to use this as opportunity to disciple & teach a Sudanese man in Doug’s place for this time. Rom.8:28
We had money donated for reading glasses and Bibles that we used before the rest was lost in unexpected EBM collapse! Pastors & Women both were thrilled to have Bibles, often in their tribal tongue, and glasses to be able to read them! Thanks for those who contributed.
Information for Supporting the BOISVERTS.
After meeting with our sending Church leadership, we were able to move ahead and accept offer from GRACE BAPTISTCHURCH, Cedarville, Ohio to put us under their financial structure like a mission board. God’s ministry of TRI-M, Africa has NOT CHANGED even though the way our finances will be handled for now has changed. Dr Haag will continue to be director of TRI-M Worldwide. Gifts can be sent to
P.O. BOX 12
Cedarville Ohio 45314
Please make checks out to GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH and include a note that it is for the Boisverts.
1. The many EBM missionaries that are still making adjustments and struggling with lost income and ministry funds.
2. The northern Sudanese as they struggle with the vengeful persecution after the separation of the South.
3. Our oldest daughter Katy is expecting their 2nd child in May 2012. PTL!
4. Grace Baptist as they have jumped in to assist us in this transition.
We do not take your sacrifice in prayer, and financial support lightly brethren. We will continue to seek to make every effort, and every dollar count for God’s glory! Many have expressed concern for our losses and have sacrificed even more to seek to make some of that up. Thank you!
Striving to Serve Christ with You, (Col. 1:29)
Doug, and Cheryl Boisvert