City Council ordinance
The proposed change in the city’s discrimination ordinance has been dropped.
The proposed change in the city’s discrimination ordinance has been dropped.
Matt Olson has resigned as President of Northland International University. He was asked to resign by Northland’s board. He announced this in a chapel sermon preached today. I encourage you to listen to the sermon. It can be found on Northland’s Facebook page. There is a link to it on Northland’s website. Matt is a…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Carol just called and left me a message that she called for an ambulance to take Ross to the hospital today. As she was going to the hospital, she was in an accident. At the time of her call, she was in one emergency room and Ross was at another. She asked…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: I am happy to report that there has been Struska sightings! Dale, Kim, and family have safely returned after a 6,500 mile trip. Their 6 students are 20% of our student body, so we are glad to have them in class! Kim’s doctor says there is another treatment he would…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. It is a fact that we can only think…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, I have been told that our parking lot will be turned into rubble tomorrow. We will have our regular Bible Study and prayer time, but you are likely going to want to park at McDermott and come in our east doors or park on Cottage and walk through the parsonage…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, In my study of Acts for this coming week’s Sunday School I come to 1:14 where I read “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.” They were in unity. And they prayed. These two things ought to describe Trinity Baptist Church every day. Unity that brings joy and strength. Prayer…