Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Martins

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Oops, I forgot. I spoke with Randy and Jan last night as they were driving back to Florida from Randy’s dad’s funeral. They wanted me to thank the many of you who prayed and contacted them to say you were praying. They felt the hand of God upon them because of the love of so many.

The funeral on Sunday afternoon was in the church Randy and Jan had left many years ago. They felt the elders did a good job remembering Lyle. But then, the Martin’s 4 boys, all in occupational ministry today, were given the opportunity to officiate the graveside service. Well, Randy said it was raining, so the funeral director decided the graveside service would be in the entry of the church. Regan quoted from 1 Thessalonians 4, Ross led the group in song, Ryan preached the gospel from John 11, and Rory had the committal comments and prayer. Randy and Jan felt the listeners were challenged concerning their faith by these grandsons of Lyle. They were rejoicing with us for the influence Trinity Baptist had upon their sons. They were rejoicing for the glory they believe God received that day. Praise the Lord.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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