Sunday, August 30, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Please pray for Lola Braker. While on a wagon ride at this afternoon’s church picnic, one of her legs was caught in the wheel well and sustained damage. She was flown to a hospital for surgery. We don’t know much more at this time.

Pray for Lola to completely recover. Pray for Paul and Amy and their family to have special grace at this time. Pray for the surgeon and other medical professionals who will be working with Lola. Pray for the Shaeffers. Pray for one another.

We know all accidents cannot be prevented. We know bad things happen. Even so, events like this are bound to make us ask “why” or “what if.” We want to back up the clock. This is when we find answers in our faith and not in what we can see. God is still good.

Again, please pray for one another.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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