Monday, May 18, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Yesterday was an emotional day for me. As one junior camper said to me many years ago, “I am overed with whelm.” It was right to have people of God returned to this place to worship together. It was also scary. And it was a little sad knowing there are many who are not able to come, although they would like to join us. As I said in my “first sermon” yesterday morning, as believers we must always be quick to extend grace to those who may be on a path that is different from ours. We are to receive people, but not with the agenda of convincing them to our manner of thinking. (Romans 14:1-15:7)

Yesterday evening our church Finance Committee met. We referred a 2020-2021 budget to the Congregation to consider. You will hear more of that in a few weeks. The Ministry Committee also met to consider where we are as a church in response to COVID19. Let me attempt to sum up what was decided by the 9 men in the room.

1. We will prepare our annual reports ahead of time and include motions and ballots for all adult voting members. Those who are not able to participate in person in our Congregation’s annual meeting scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 28th will be able to observe on Facebook live, vote on motions ahead of time with the provided ballots, and/or participate through the monitored Facebook page.

2. We will resume all the services and activities of our church. We will have Bible study this Wednesday including nursery and children’s class. We will delay Sunday School one more week and resume Sunday School on May 31st. We will have Junior Church and nursery care this Sunday morning, May 24th. We will determine to extend grace both to those who choose to participate and to those who choose not to participate in scheduled activities and services.

3. We will establish procedures that include signage, policies and check lists for cleaning surfaces between uses, and availability of sanitation and masks. We need help! Everyone is going to have to be part of the regular cleaning and sanitizing of the building.

These are conflicting times. The continued movement of opinions, the varying agendas, and the honest differences of perspectives create many opportunities for disagreement and anger. Remember Christ “who opened not His mouth.” And remember the truth of Psalm 119:165 “Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” Don’t let COVID19, the devil, or even well-meaning people cause you to miss a step in your walk with Jesus.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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