Matthew 1:18-25 He Took Her Depravity
Matthew 1:18-25 He Took Her Depravity
How did Joseph sacrifice his reputation for Mary? Pastor focuses our attention to christmas by telling four different stories.
Matthew 1:18-25 He Took Her Depravity
How did Joseph sacrifice his reputation for Mary? Pastor focuses our attention to christmas by telling four different stories.
15. Our Citizenship (Phil. 3:15-21) Paul persuades the Philipians to live their christianity with a focus and goal of maturity. Where is your citizenship?download
“What We Proclaim” 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 What is your mission statement? Regan shares his burden for proclaiming Christ to the world. download
23. Sheep Among Wolves (Matt 10:16-42) – What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Pastor Leeds explains the cost of discipleship and the dangers of being a sheep among wolves as he continues his exposition of the Gospel of Matthew and Jesus’ commissioning of his disciples. download
8. Deacon Is a Verb (1 Timothy 3:8-13) – What is a deacon and what is there responsibility? Pastor Leeds explains the role and responsibility of deacons from 1 Timothy 3:8-13. download
9. The Mind of Christ (Phil 2:5-8) We are to think like Christ, who humbled himself, served, and died for others. download
Pastor Rory’s Sunday Evening Series in John 8. He Must Increase (John 3:22-36) – Why should be wary of our tendency to self-promotion? Pastor Rory looks at the example of John the Baptist as a warning against self-promotion and the importance of making much of Jesus and little of ourselves. download