Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Proverbs 26:17 “He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.” This proverb is a fun one to picture. Here is an angry, barking dog. Someone, maybe with good intentions, grabs the dog by both ears. Now, he has a VERY angry dog lunging at the one who perhaps thought he was doing a good thing. I once heard someone describe a man as “someone who would chase a snake down a hole.” It is natural for us to think we have the right answers for the problems of others. Many four-year-olds think they know how the house ought be run and are not afraid to tell us. It takes wisdom and restraint to know when something is none of our business and to leave it alone. Sometimes we must take action. But often we need to just MYOB. I have enough problems of my own to fix. I have observed on social media that there are a lot of people quick to “take a dog by the ears.”

The TBS Easter break begins this afternoon. Pray for safety as several families have travel plans. (The Shaeffers are leaving for Florida after school.)

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. I am not going to preach a Palm Sunday sermon but will continue our walk in Daniel. The Palm Sunday in Daniel is in chapter 9. We have some ground to cover before that makes sense. Sunday is also Church Dinner Day! I enjoy both the food and the opportunity to talk. I will be in 1 Samuel 19 for our devotions. Bring some food to share and join us for a good dinner.

On Easter, we will again have a Passion Service during our normal 8:45 a.m. Sunday School hour. We will observe Lord’s Table during that service. Our 10:00 a.m. Resurrection Service will focus on the Kingship of Jesus.

Pray for our country. Pray for our elected officials in our local, state, and national levels. Pray for God to direct their hearts and for God to give us liberty to obey Him in all ways. Pray for our church to honor and obey God’s Word.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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