From Pastor Rory’s Facebook page
We had a good night at vbs. The kids did a great job.
We had a good night at vbs. The kids did a great job.
Pray this week for our Team Arizona mission trip. Pastor Rory, Ben Frei, and 6 teenagers are working with the church started by our missionary, David DeFord. Pray for their VBS. Pray for their effective work with Pastor Yazzie and that church.
Sunday was a great joy to me. I thoroughly enjoyed the preaching of Dr. MacLachlan. He is one of my favorite preachers. But the best part of the day was being able to participate in the ordination of Pastor Rory.
Dick called me just a little bit ago and told me that everything went very well with Jean’s knee surgery and that she looks to be doing well. Dick and Jean would both like to thank everyone for their prayers this morning. Please continue to pray for Jean in the months to come as she recovers.
When we are away from Trinity Baptist on a weekend it is always fun to choose where we will go to church. The choice has little consequences and can be very educational. Sometimes we choose a church a lot like ours. Sometimes we are surprised with what we find.