Friday, September 13, 2024

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family,

Psalm 5:3 “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.” O Father, may my attention be turned to You early and often.

This coming Lord’s Day, September 15th, we are privileged to sit under the preaching ministry of Dr. Larry Oats. He is an excellent expositor and communicator. I believed you will be challenged. His title for the 8:45 a.m. Sunday School hour is “What is Truth?” from John 18. During the morning service he will be preaching from John 14 with the title of “I am the Truth.” We will not have a 6:30 p.m. service this Sunday.

On Monday and Tuesday, the pastors and our wives will attend the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Churches. It is being hosted by Westside Baptist Church in Janesville, WI. The topic is “Ethics.” Pray for safety and that this meeting is an encouragement to many.

TBS has several fund raisers going on at this time. You can order flower bulbs to put in now for spring. You can buy Dutch Apple Pies for your freezer on September 27-28th. (Pre-order soon or we may sell out!) They are selling T-Shirts and other TBS merchandise. You can always order scrip or buy coffee online from Berres Brothers. Beth is in the back of the auditorium after church on Sunday mornings if you have any questions on any of these opportunities.

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Albert Mohler answer questions during a zoom lunchtime meeting hosted by Wisconsin Family Action. The topic was Christian responsibility during this election season. The short answer he gave was “stewardship.” He said “We are not just electing a President, but we are electing a government.” If you would like to watch this Q&A, go to Wisconsin Family Action’s website and choose Events.

Read God’s Word. Confess your sin. Pray for one another. Pray for our country. Then, do it again.

Embracing Truth. Equipping Saints.


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