Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family,

Psalm 85:10 “Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed.” These two phrases are contradictory by definition. Mercy is God withholding the judgment we deserve. Truth is that we are sin and deserve hell. Only God can bring mercy and truth together. Righteousness is holiness. On my own, I cannot be righteous. For me to have peace with God, a great work must be accomplished. Because of the atoning work of Jesus, mercy and truth have reconciled for me. And God’s righteousness is satisfied so that I have peace with God. What a marvel our salvation is.

We have another weird weather Wednesday. I believe it is going to stay warm enough until everyone is safely home that we can have Bible study and Awana tonight. We have only two weeks until Awana Grand Prix. Counting tonight, we have 6 nights remaining for clubbers to finish their books. Parents, have you checked to see how your children are doing?

The auditorium is being set up for Friday’s auction. This is the 24th auction for the benefit of Trinity Baptist School. Funds raised help keep tuition low for families who choose to partner with us. Over 170 items have been entered at You can get some pre-bidding action in until noon on Friday, March 21st. Bidding Owl will then be shut down and the bidding sheets printed out with the current bids. The silent auction begins at 5:00 p.m. The live auction is at 7:00 p.m. Concessions will open at 5:00 p.m. and include soda $1, water .50, Italian Beef with provolone on a hoagie bun $8, Sopapilla cheesecake bars $1.50, potato soup $3, and mini-veggie trays .50. Come for a great evening of fun and fellowship. We will accept cash, credit cards, or checks! Pray God blesses the efforts of many to make this night a great success.

Do you want to tour Biblical sites in Israel and Jordan? A 12-day tour is being planned for June 6-17, 2026. Let me know if you are interested or know of someone who might be interested. 

Lin and I are going away for a few days during our school’s spring break. This Sunday, March 23rd, Darryl will continue his series on A Survey of Old Testament Theology during the adult Sunday School hour. Pastor Charlie is preaching from Ruth 1 in the morning service and then Judges on Sunday evening. Adult choir is at 5:00 p.m. but there will be no children’s choir this coming Sunday.

Pray for our Spring Election to be held on Tuesday, April 1st. A sample ballot for some of the offices has been printed and is on the back table. More information will be forthcoming.

Pray for peace in Ukraine and Gaza. Pray for the persecuted church. Pray for our elected and non-elected government officials that they would be burdened to do the right thing and that they would have wisdom.

Pray for the Word of God to be wonderful as we gather on the Lord’s Day.

Embracing Truth. Equipping Saints.


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