October 19, 2020

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. Everything we see, touch, or experience belongs to God. He alone is the King of Glory.

I rejoice in the good weekend of ministry we just experienced. TBS had a wonderful Grandparent’s Day with 74 in attendance. The young people represented their school well. And Charlie tells me that 25 were present for the youth hayride and bonfire on Saturday evening.

Yesterday, we benefitted much from the ministry of Jimmy Pierre, missionary to Haiti. His spoke of growing up in Haiti in a Christian home because of ministry of American missionaries to his grandparents. He taught us of the devil worship that is so very much part of their culture. He spoke of his burden to return to Haiti to plant churches and train leaders. The need is very great.

We will have Men for Christ Bible study at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. We will be talking about Work and Welfare. The monthly senior’s Bible Study will be at noon Tuesday at Rolling Meadows. We will be covering the Here a Little lessons on Gender and Marriage. I’ve attached a Here a Little about minimum wage and employment to this letter.

Missionary Rebekah Fruin will be in Awana and Bible study on Wednesday night. We’ve brought her in to help the clubbers with their missionary sections. And Sunday the 25th is Church Dinner Day. Yes, it is already the last Sunday of the month.

May you remember that this day is the Lord’s. This planet is the Lord’s. Our country is the Lord’s. We are the Lord’s. And as believers, we are especially the Lord’s people. May we rest our confidence in Christ alone.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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