Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, 

Psalm 12:7-8 NIV “You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, 8 who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.” I laughed when I read the end of Psalm 12 at breakfast this morning. I find it ironic how aptly the wicked of today were described 3,000 years ago.

I pray you are warm and able to move about. If not, please ask for help. This cold weather can be serious.

I hear good things about the Wednesday Bible study on the parables of Jesus. If you are not part of our Awana Clubs, I encourage you to join the study at the parsonage at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday evenings through the end of April.

A Bible study for ladies based upon a book called “Because He Loves Me So” was begun this morning at the Brakers at 9:30 a.m. This study will also continue through the end of April. If you would like a book or more information about this study, see Beth.

Ladies have a second chance for fellowship this week. Mugs and Muffins will be at the Brakers’ home at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 18th.

Our teens are going to the Fond du Lac Bears hockey game at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 18th. See Pastor Charlie for discounted tickets or more information.

We received a letter this week from Wisconsin Family Council concerning a Wisconsin Supreme court case asking for our prayer. Here is the quote from that letter: “Please be in prayer for an essential case that the state Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on this Thursday. Since Evers was elected Governor, he has attempted to force mental health professionals to harm and not help patients struggling with gender dysphoria by requiring them to affirm a transgender lifestyle. Thankfully, the legislature has blocked these attempts. However, this case could give the administrative state unilateral power to force mental health professionals to either advance a transgender ideology or risk losing their license.”

God is not limited. God still works. And we get to be a part or His operations! Pray for our church ministries, our missionaries, and the community in which we live. Pray that we respond rightly to the Word of God that we might be equipped to respond rightly to our world.

Embracing Truth. Equipping Saints.


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