Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Pray one for another. There are seasons of life when I am overwhelmed with my need to pray. I feel like Satan and sicknesses of all kinds are attacking on all fronts. I readily admit my complete inability to ward off the attacks. I need help! Praise God He has promised to be with us and be our strength.
Tony McCrary has moved from the hospital to St. Francis. He will need to continue on antibiotics there for a couple of weeks. The test I mentioned Sunday did not turn up anything. So at least at this time he is not returning for another hip replacement! Tony would appreciate visitors.
Larry Thielke will be going to Mayo Clinic on Monday. The Purcells are at the Lutheran Home and would appreciate visitors.
Tomorrow is Awana and Bible study. Pray that God rule in our hearts as we minister to one another. Pray for the salvation of children.
Pray for our country and the election this next Tuesday. Pray for our elected officers to know the weight of their responsibility to us before God.
Embracing Truth, Pastor