Saturday, June 15, 2019

Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Dale and Kayla are getting married today! Pray for them and their children and for God’s glory to be know on this wonderful day!

Tomorrow we will be finishing up the Old Testament and starting our walk through the New Testament as we develop a Theology of the Kingdom in our teen/adult Sunday School hour. I have enjoyed the work of this study.

In the morning service we will see that Martha is “distracted with much serving.” For me, this is a very personal text.

Beth tells me there are a few tickets available if you would like to join us at the Dockspiders game on Friday, June 28th. See her tomorrow if you would like to buy those tickets.

I encourage all members to fill out and return a Ministry Committee recommendation form. This is a powerful way for every member to participate in the Congregational government of our church. The deadline for turning one in is tomorrow. I’ve attached a copy if you’d like to print it out to bring it with you. Otherwise some should be available on the back table. They were inserted in last week’s bulletin.

Pray for God’s Word to be taught accurately and in the Spirit through the ministries of Trinity Baptist. Pray for our missionaries. Their Lord’s Days begin soon.

Embracing Truth, Pastor

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