Missionary Carolyn Price to “praying friends”
I have finally recovered from the time I spent in Mairana interpreting for the Medical team from the States that was here for a week. I had the privilege of interpreting for a dentist and his wife who had wonderful spirits and strived to do the best possible under circumstances that were at best quite challenging. I think the thing I appreciated the most was when Dr. John told me that he tries to see each of his patients as if “Jesus is in the chair.” I renewed an “old” friendship (that’s you Chris) and made two new friends from the time I spent helping out in the kitchen (that’s you, Connie and Pat). The whole team saw MANY, MANY people. Many professions of faith were made and the pastors and missionaries in the places we attended will have much visiting and work to do for months to come.
I was supposed to have gone to Vallegrande this week, but my laptop has…well, I’m not real sure what to say it has done. It hasn’t exactly died, but it has some major issues. As soon as my support arrives, I plan on taking it to the computer doctor (a local pastor who performs miracles on electronical stuff!) I am told it can be fixed, though it will be like starting all over again with having to download any programs that I have been using. I’m just thankful that there is hope! Anyway, as soon as that is done, I’ll be off to Vallegrande to hopefully finish up the last parts of our first CD for Project Paidion. I know I’ve said this before, but it seems like something has always come up to keep me from going to Vallegrande (where those who correct my Spanish live.) Though I had hoped to be finished by now, at least additional lessons have been added. Marisol (the pastor’s wife in Vallegrande) and I would also like to work on a seminar that will help teach others how to prepare their own lessons. There are materials available in Spanish, but most are so expensive that the smaller churches and pastors cannot afford them. Many of you have probably heard the following: “If a man is hungry and you give him a fish, he gets to eat but one time. If you teach him to fish, he can eat for a lifetime.” This is why Marisol and I have talked about teaching others to prepare their own lessons. Most people think they cannot write their own lesson because they have never had to it. Perhaps through this God will rise up a team of writers – those who already know Spanish and do not need someone to correct it – and we could make materials available on a regular basis. Thank you so much to those who have been praying for this project.
Rene’s mother is visiting for a time in Santa Cruz and may be moving permanently here with her daughter sometime in the beginning of next year. While I am in Vallegrande, it will be a good time for her to get to know her grandchildren and be a part of their lives. She has been attending church with us. Victoria has heard the gospel off and on for many years now. Please pray that God will speak to her heart and she will finally surrender to Him.
The construction on my apartment is going well. The roof is on! If you knew how many leaks we had before the roof on the second floor was put on, you’d know how nice it was to listen to the rain this morning and not have one drop fall! (I used to sleep with a towel on my bed when it rained – there was no place I could place the bed where it wouldn’t get wet!) Rafahel tells me I should be able to move in by the end of December. Wouldn’t that be a nice Christmas present?
Before I close, I’d like to ask prayer for a dear friend of mine. Cindy Hershey has been my friend for so long that I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t my friend. She has served faithfully in Mexico for many years now. She has cancer and has really struggled with the chemotherapy. She is having major surgery today and I know she would appreciate your prayers for her. Not only for the surgery, but also for recovery and the outcome.
May God bless each and every one of you,
Your sister in Christ in Bolivia,
Carolyn Price
Proverbs 25:25
Quote for the week: “I would rather inspire people through my struggles than my strengths because it’s not about me; it’s about Christ in me.” Cindy Hershey 8/8/14