Like the Bride?
– copied from Pastor David Marriott’s facebook
– copied from Pastor David Marriott’s facebook
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Tomorrow is Lord’s Table. I encourage you to prepare your heart for correction from God’s Word and worship with the Congregation of God. We have two adult Bible studies during the 8:45a hour. Jeremy, David, and Tony are leading a class on parenting. Darryl and Charlie are leading a study…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, I was blessed and encouraged by the spirit of the Church and God’s Spirit evidenced in yesterday’s worship. Praise God for opportunity to be part of the family of God. Pray for Jean this morning as she is in surgery. I’ve attached a “Here a Little” for this week to this…
Prayer breakfast for men and boys is normally the first Saturday of the month. Because of the holiday travels of the Leeds, we pushed it back a week. So we are meeting for breakfast and prayer this Saturday, January 9th at 8a. We will be done before 9:30a. If you have not signed up and…
Bev called and asked that we pray for her great-nephew Nathan Menante. He is 14, lives in Milwaukee, and was hit by a car today. Bev said they know that he has 2 broken legs, but are unsure of internal injuries. He is 14 and the son of a niece of Bev’s, Carla.
We have 3 different adult Bible studies during our Sunday School hour this Lord’s Day. During the morning service we will see Ezekiel’s vision of the debauchery in Jerusalem in the days before its final destruction. And we will see God’s response to the sin of His people. We have a quarterly business meeting of…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: For those of you who are not on fb and did not see the Sue Struska Health Updates post, Sue had an MRI that showed the tumor has shrunk by 90-95% after just one round of chemo treatments. Praise the Lord! Woohoo! She is having some uncomfortable side effects from…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Tomorrow is Lord’s Table. I encourage you to prepare your heart for correction from God’s Word and worship with the Congregation of God. We have two adult Bible studies during the 8:45a hour. Jeremy, David, and Tony are leading a class on parenting. Darryl and Charlie are leading a study…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, I was blessed and encouraged by the spirit of the Church and God’s Spirit evidenced in yesterday’s worship. Praise God for opportunity to be part of the family of God. Pray for Jean this morning as she is in surgery. I’ve attached a “Here a Little” for this week to this…
Prayer breakfast for men and boys is normally the first Saturday of the month. Because of the holiday travels of the Leeds, we pushed it back a week. So we are meeting for breakfast and prayer this Saturday, January 9th at 8a. We will be done before 9:30a. If you have not signed up and…
Bev called and asked that we pray for her great-nephew Nathan Menante. He is 14, lives in Milwaukee, and was hit by a car today. Bev said they know that he has 2 broken legs, but are unsure of internal injuries. He is 14 and the son of a niece of Bev’s, Carla.
We have 3 different adult Bible studies during our Sunday School hour this Lord’s Day. During the morning service we will see Ezekiel’s vision of the debauchery in Jerusalem in the days before its final destruction. And we will see God’s response to the sin of His people. We have a quarterly business meeting of…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: For those of you who are not on fb and did not see the Sue Struska Health Updates post, Sue had an MRI that showed the tumor has shrunk by 90-95% after just one round of chemo treatments. Praise the Lord! Woohoo! She is having some uncomfortable side effects from…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: Tomorrow is Lord’s Table. I encourage you to prepare your heart for correction from God’s Word and worship with the Congregation of God. We have two adult Bible studies during the 8:45a hour. Jeremy, David, and Tony are leading a class on parenting. Darryl and Charlie are leading a study…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family, I was blessed and encouraged by the spirit of the Church and God’s Spirit evidenced in yesterday’s worship. Praise God for opportunity to be part of the family of God. Pray for Jean this morning as she is in surgery. I’ve attached a “Here a Little” for this week to this…
Prayer breakfast for men and boys is normally the first Saturday of the month. Because of the holiday travels of the Leeds, we pushed it back a week. So we are meeting for breakfast and prayer this Saturday, January 9th at 8a. We will be done before 9:30a. If you have not signed up and…
Bev called and asked that we pray for her great-nephew Nathan Menante. He is 14, lives in Milwaukee, and was hit by a car today. Bev said they know that he has 2 broken legs, but are unsure of internal injuries. He is 14 and the son of a niece of Bev’s, Carla.
We have 3 different adult Bible studies during our Sunday School hour this Lord’s Day. During the morning service we will see Ezekiel’s vision of the debauchery in Jerusalem in the days before its final destruction. And we will see God’s response to the sin of His people. We have a quarterly business meeting of…
Dear Trinity Baptist Church Family: For those of you who are not on fb and did not see the Sue Struska Health Updates post, Sue had an MRI that showed the tumor has shrunk by 90-95% after just one round of chemo treatments. Praise the Lord! Woohoo! She is having some uncomfortable side effects from…