Doug and Cheryl Boisvert – Home from Africa! February 20, 2012
I know this would have been better sharing Friday with you for sharing with your Church Family… but maybe I could blame it on jetlag (8 time zones), or the pile of office work waiting and added to from the past month’s receipts /trip , or the multiple updates that MSWindows “had to do” before letting me get control of my own computer????? Hummm No those are only excuses. I guess I should just say sorry for the delay in reporting our arrival back in Kokomo, IN and leave it at that.
The teaching went well in Uganda, Kenya & Tanzania. In fact it went so well that each place has potential venues that either they are expanding and teaching or are asking us to assist in opening up more teaching sites in each country. It is exciting to see these men lead in the burden to see their own countrymen receive training in the Word of God. It is especially noteworthy as they are often proposing venues including different tribal groups as well as their own tribal group. This is not “natural” but God initiated! It also shows how much they are seeing God use the training in the current venues to disciple and strengthen the churches. We hope to give a more detailed report to you folks soon in a prayer letter format. Thank you for praying for our teaching and travel. It really went well with little complications thanks to your support in prayer and God’s gracious oversight in our lives!
THANK YOU to all of you who have responded to our last letter requesting you to verify being on our email lists. We are updating both the hard copy USPS mailings and this email list.
Yes we arrive back on Thursday 16th Feb in time to rest some and prepare for our next traveling for our USA reporting schedule in Feb, March & April. We have 1 weekend free (home) between now and end of April. It is an honor to represent you and God’s mighty hand as we get to share all God is doing through TRI-M and our African partners. Certainly some of those weeks we get to come home during the week and only out on weekends. However, do continue to pray for us as God brings us to your mind. We are covering distances from Minnesota to NE Pennsylvania and many points in between. It includes 4 Mission Conferences with some 4 days to 7 days in length.
If any time your Church family desires us to come to report, speak to your pastor or mission committee to contact us to ask about setting a date for that. We are always open to working in a supporting and praying Church into our schedule as God opens the door.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
“To this end I also labor, striving according to His working…” (Colossians 1:29)