Carolyn Price, October 2013
Thank you for your prayers for the “Lesson’s Project!” I have thought for a long time that we should have a better name than just “Lesson’s Project,” (very little creativity there), so it will now be known as “Project Paidion.” “Paidion” is the Greek word for “children” in the verse found in Luke 18:16: “But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”
We now have 60 lessons in “Project Paidion” that are completely done in black and white form. There have been long days sitting at the computer, editing, organizing, printing, etc., but when we look at what has been accomplished thus far, we are indeed extremely grateful. The Lord has continued to open new doors and, by word of mouth, it is becoming known that we are working on lessons for various age groups and many are showing interest from different parts of Bolivia. The girls at Megumi (the home where my daughter works) have been doing a beautiful job in coloring the lessons (which we will scan and make available on a CD when finished). I’ve included a picture, not only of some of the lessons, but also a picture of what motivates us…I think you will understand when you open the attached PDF file.
I have been in Santa Cruz for a few days and will return to Vallegrande on Saturday. While here, I have begun the research necessary to work on the missionary lessons we plan on doing in the near future. Many of the things I am reading challenge my own heart greatly. One quote I’d like to share with you:
“I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home.” – James O. Fraser (Pioneer Missionary to the Lisu in China)
Were it not for you and your prayers, I am convinced that we could not accomplish anything here of eternal value. Sometimes I find I am at a loss for words (yes, I know that’s hard to believe), but God is working in my heart. Have you ever felt like God is trying to show you something, but you are not exactly sure what it is? That’s exactly how I feel at this moment in my life. I have been greatly moved as I have read about the sacrifices, some great, of saints of old who served Him on the mission field. There were men and women who boarded ships with the knowledge that they would probably be dead within six months time. They boarded anyway. There were those who faced the jungles and it’s dangers with the acute awareness that their lives could be ended abruptly. They went anyway and some did indeed lose their lives. If nothing else, I hope that what I am feeling can help us as we begin to work on and design the missionary stories…that God can touch the lives of the children who will be taught them with a fervent desire to serve Him – no matter the cost. A lofty goal? I suppose so, but it was such stories that I read as a very young Christian that motivated me to surrender my life to Him in 1974.
So how can you best pray?
Prayer requests:
1. Please continue praying for “Project Paidion.”
2. Please continue to pray for Rosa, Marisol and myself as we work together on the lessons.
3. Please pray for my health, stamina, wisdom, and sensitivity to God’s leading.
May God continue to bless you all out of the abundant riches of His heart,
Your sister in Christ in Bolivia, Carolyn