Carolyn Price, Octboer 1, 2011
I am leaving Pembine today. You might think, “Well, Carolyn, you’ve been traveling almost the entire year, of course you are leaving Pembine.” But today is different. Faith Baptist in Pembine is my “home” church – it’s where I have “hung my hat” for the past 14 months. As I watched everyone in church on Wednesday night, I realized just how much everyone has come to mean to me. So if any of you are reading this, please know I am going to miss you and that I will be carrying you with me in my heart.
I have quite a bit of traveling to do over the next 22 days! I took the car I am using in for a tune-up and to have every thing checked out (I want to return it in good condition) and the mechanic, a member of my church, found a hose that looked like it was about to burst. I am about as mechanically inclined as an avocado, but even I understood the significance of finding this hose BEFORE it burst. I feel much safer now, knowing that there is a nice new hose in the place of the obviously damaged hose! The Lord cares even about the little things. (The “hose” was little.)
Last night I had the opportunity to eat my “last supper” with Diane Doolittle and her two boys. (They called it this!) On my way home, I was taking what I thought was a short cut. It was dark, rainy, wind and leaves were blowing everywhere. I was not going very fast, partly out of habit because of the many deer I have seen in the past couple of weeks (though I doubt even the deer were out on such a horrible night.) I was almost home when I noticed something not normally in the road – it was just a shape at first. I started to put on my brakes, but it’s amazing just how fast you can come up on something like that. When I realized it was a downed tree, I braked more quickly, and barely came to a stop in front of the tree. I felt like someone had grabbed the back of the car and helped me to stop. I just kept saying, “Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!” The Lord cares even about the big things. (The “tree” was big…well, it seemed big to me at the time!)
I do not know if I will have access to internet over the next few weeks, but I will try to write when I am able. I do want to thank you for all of your prayers! Thank you for being with me during this journey called “Furlough!”
May you be blessed so much today that your heart overflows!!!!
Romans 15:21
P.S. Happy Birthday, Selena!!!!
Mission Address: Baptist Pioneer Mission, P.O. Box 5114, Kincheloe, MI 49788
Field Address: Casilla 562, Sucre, Bolivia, SOUTH AMERICA
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