Carolyn Price – Bolivia
Another church has expressed interest in the lessons – all of them! I am running out of space in my small room for everything, so this week, when my support arrives, I’m going to go out and buy additional furniture that will hopefully help me to be more organized. There is no space to go out or around, so we have to go up! 🙂 What a wonderful problem to have, though! Someone asked me why I make photocopies of the lessons. All of the new lessons are being put into PDF form, but the old ones are still part Corel, part Word – whatever I needed at the time to get the lesson done. So not only are we working on new lessons and series, but I am also trying to work on the old stories and lessons to make them more accessible. Even with that, there are still some churches and individuals that do not have access to computers to be able to print them out, so the best option is to photocopy the lesson. There are photocopy places just about everywhere!
This past week in Sunday school we had 3 new visitors, and 2 returning visitors. I have a small classroom there, too! But in that space, we can’t even go up, so we are starting to pray for new classrooms. (Rafahel’s class meets outside.) The church I attend is not big, nor is it full of rich people, but I have seen them give again and again. It truly is a giving church and I believe God blesses them because of that.
This next week will be filled pretty much with the same theme: Lessons, lessons, and lessons! Friday night, however, there will be a bit of a deviation. My class wants hamburgers again, so they will be coming to my house for an activity. This has really helped me get to know the kids better – and they have also gotten to know me better, too! God continues to “grow” us all.
Praise: Rafahel and two of the girls from the orphanage were in an accident this past week. The vehicle was damaged quite a bit and will be “out of service” for some time. The praise? No one was seriously hurt. (Celia, one of the girls, had a small scratch on her face from the windshield shattering.) Everyone was shook up afterwards, but other than that, all came away with a heart full of gratitude for God’s hand upon them. We truly thank the Lord for his protection.
Prayer Summary: 1. Lessons Project (I suppose I need a catchy name – can anyone think of one?) 2. My Sunday school class – “Amigos de Jesús” (“Friends of Jesus”), that it will continue to grow, and not just in numbers. There are several who need to be saved. 3. Friday’s activity with my class.
This is all for now – have a wonderful week!
Your sister in Christ in Bolivia,
Psalms 34:11