Carolyn Price – August 2, 2011
I want to thank everyone for praying for my visit with Arvil Price. It was an interesting visit to say the least. His first comment to me was that he had thought I was still going to be a little girl. I surprised him on both counts! He had some questions about people we both knew from the past (two of my aunts) and the rest of the time was spent trying to encourage him to go to a doctor. Linda Price, his sister-in-law, accompanied me to his house, (for which I was very thankful) and I have enjoyed getting to know her as well. She had much to share with me about Arvil’s life. My Dad has taken all of this in stride and for that I am also thankful. He did confide in me that he was a little concerned, but his smile only got bigger as I assured him that he will always be my dad! Arvil’s health is not good, so it has been good for me to be here. I’ve also spent much time talking with my brother. We’ve been up late just talking – and in some ways – getting to really know each other. My brother is an amazing man with so many “hard-earned” skills that there really isn’t much that he cannot do. As we finished talking last night, I told him to get a good night’s sleep. He muttered, “Doesn’t matter.” I walked back, put my hand on his shoulder and said, “It does to me.” Please keep praying that as we talk, God will provide opportunities to talk to him about his greatest need, that of knowing the Savior. Most of our adult lives have been spent apart so this has been precious time spent with him.
I will leave Oklahoma this Friday and will drive 7 hours or so to San Antonio, Texas. This is actually going to be a real-honest-to-goodness vacation of sorts. Cindy Hershey, who is also a single missionary who works in Mexico, will meet me at her home church in San Anton! We will spend 5 days there – she will most likely spend a couple of those days recuperating from her time spent having VBS in several churches in Mexico. I’ll probably need a day or 2 myself just to recover from traveling so long in the car – especially in the heat! We just ‘ain’t spring chickens’ anymore! Of course, Cindy is a much younger chicken!
On the 11th of August, I will fly from San Antonio to Atlanta, Georgia, where I will spend 4 days visiting one of my supporting church there, Liberty Baptist Church. The ticket was half price by flying out of San Antonio, rather than flying out of Oklahoma City…a blessing to say the least! I look forward to seeing my friend Jan Ray and meeting the new pastor and sharing their part in the ministry in Bolivia. I’ll then fly back to San Antonio, travel back to Oklahoma, get the oil changed (it will be time) and then head back to Wisconsin. I will make 2 stops in Illinois and then another stop in lower Wisconsin before I am back at my home church in Pembine.
There will be much traveling alone, so please pray for safety. Please also pray for the time spent with my family…that God will draw them to Himself. And please pray that I can be a blessing everywhere I go. That truly is my heart’s desire. This furlough has been unique is that I have had so many opportunities to share all that God has done in Bolivia. There IS a Deaf church in Sucre! Please continue praying for Luke and Jessica Marie as they minister to the Deaf there.
My heart is rather full this afternoon as I write. God has done so much in my life – ministering, molding, chiseling, too, at times. Thank you for being a part of my life by supporting me – whether financially or through prayer and friendship. I am humbled by your faithfulness.
At this point, I do not have an exact date when I will return to Bolivia, but when the date is finally chosen, the ticket will be paid for by some very dear friends of mine. My heart has been very touched by this gesture of friendship and support from them. Thank you Daryl and Becky! (Becky likes to spoil missionaries. She’s good at it!) Well, this is all for now. I’ll try to write soon – it isn’t always easy to get to where there is an internet connection. And that is why this is being sent to you on Tuesday!
Your sister in Christ, Carolyn Jeremiah 29:11
P.S. I forgot to mention that I have accomplished much on the organizing project that I mentioned several months ago. I had forgot to mention this until one friend recently asked me about it. I realized that I had not written anything about it since asking prayer for it. I have the materials organized alphabetically and in one section – I’m in the Letter P right now. Every chance, I get I am working on it. There is still much to do, but it is a good feeling to have so much done already. Thanks to those who prayed!!!!!