Athena for the Peace family
I was able to instant message with Lloyd yesterday. He went through customs with no difficulty and his trunks with the retreat supplies were put on a boat in Manaus and should arrive in Santo Antonio on Tuesday. He was not able to test fly the airplane in Manaus because of the weather. He hopes to try again on his way out. Thank you for praying as he traveled.
A Facebook posting from one of our teens said, “So happy…my second dad is here!” Amazingly, word did not get out about Lloyd’s trip to help with the teen retreat and the teens (and others, too) were surprised to see Lloyd in Santo Antonio yesterday. I would have loved to have been there with Lloyd to see the expressions on their faces and just to be able to sit down and catch up with each of them.
Lloyd just found out he will need to come up with one more one hour lesson for the retreat. Please pray for him as he works on putting that together in between working on other details for the retreat and resolving some maintenance issues.
In Christ,
Athena for the family