9. Bad and Good Ministers
9. Bad and Good Ministers (1 Timothy 4:1-16) – What is the difference between a good minister and a bad minister? Pastor Leeds explains how to tell the difference from 1 Timothy 4:1-16. download
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9. Bad and Good Ministers (1 Timothy 4:1-16) – What is the difference between a good minister and a bad minister? Pastor Leeds explains how to tell the difference from 1 Timothy 4:1-16. download
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Our 2013 Bible Conference featured church historian and Maranatha professor Dr. David Saxon. Dr. Saxon did an excellent job teaching us regarding five influential reformers and the doctrines that moved them to take such a heroic stand for truth. The audio we were able to capture from the conference is available below. Unfortunately, two technological…
8. Family – An Overwhelming Apathy (Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3)
Do you love Jesus? Are you exchanging who Jesus is for what you can get? Pastor Leeds preaches from Song of Solomon on a love that requires action.
Jeremy Shaeffer describes the one who has a heart for God. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/shaeffer/psalm119/jeremy08102014pm.mp3
7. False Hope (Ezekiel 12-13) – Is there any hope available without the objective truth of Scripture? Pastor Leeds discusses God’s Word being our only source of true hope in contrast to the false prophets that Ezekiel had to deal with. download
Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian? Listen now as Pastor begins a new series in Thessalonians by preaching on how a Christian should act.
Dr. Kevin Bauder – “Good Things in Small Packages: 2 John’
Dr. Bauder continues his 5 sermon series of one chapter books in 2 John. Which do we need more: the light bulb or the light switch? Truth rightly understood should lead to unity.
Our 2013 Bible Conference featured church historian and Maranatha professor Dr. David Saxon. Dr. Saxon did an excellent job teaching us regarding five influential reformers and the doctrines that moved them to take such a heroic stand for truth. The audio we were able to capture from the conference is available below. Unfortunately, two technological…
8. Family – An Overwhelming Apathy (Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3)
Do you love Jesus? Are you exchanging who Jesus is for what you can get? Pastor Leeds preaches from Song of Solomon on a love that requires action.
Jeremy Shaeffer describes the one who has a heart for God. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/shaeffer/psalm119/jeremy08102014pm.mp3
7. False Hope (Ezekiel 12-13) – Is there any hope available without the objective truth of Scripture? Pastor Leeds discusses God’s Word being our only source of true hope in contrast to the false prophets that Ezekiel had to deal with. download
Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian? Listen now as Pastor begins a new series in Thessalonians by preaching on how a Christian should act.
Dr. Kevin Bauder – “Good Things in Small Packages: 2 John’
Dr. Bauder continues his 5 sermon series of one chapter books in 2 John. Which do we need more: the light bulb or the light switch? Truth rightly understood should lead to unity.
Our 2013 Bible Conference featured church historian and Maranatha professor Dr. David Saxon. Dr. Saxon did an excellent job teaching us regarding five influential reformers and the doctrines that moved them to take such a heroic stand for truth. The audio we were able to capture from the conference is available below. Unfortunately, two technological…
8. Family – An Overwhelming Apathy (Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3)
Do you love Jesus? Are you exchanging who Jesus is for what you can get? Pastor Leeds preaches from Song of Solomon on a love that requires action.
Jeremy Shaeffer describes the one who has a heart for God. download http://trinityfdl.net/audio/shaeffer/psalm119/jeremy08102014pm.mp3
7. False Hope (Ezekiel 12-13) – Is there any hope available without the objective truth of Scripture? Pastor Leeds discusses God’s Word being our only source of true hope in contrast to the false prophets that Ezekiel had to deal with. download
Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian? Listen now as Pastor begins a new series in Thessalonians by preaching on how a Christian should act.
Dr. Kevin Bauder – “Good Things in Small Packages: 2 John’
Dr. Bauder continues his 5 sermon series of one chapter books in 2 John. Which do we need more: the light bulb or the light switch? Truth rightly understood should lead to unity.