
“Really?” That was my first thought. A college dorm student had spent Sunday at our church and in my home. When it came time to leave for the dorm, they went into the bathroom and changed clothes. When I commented that they had changed into less-modest, more uncomfortable clothes for the ride home, they said that they would receive demerits if they came back on campus dressed as they had been. “Really?”

This is just one more time when the rules “cultural Baptist” live by don’t make a lick of sense. And the funny thing is, most Baptists in my circles say they don’t believe these rules are Bible-base convictions. Most of my fellow-shipping, Baptist friends say they don’t believe it is wrong to wear denim, don’t believe it is wrong for a lady to wear something other than dresses, skirts, or culottes, and don’t believe the KJV is inspired. So why do we make rules to enforce these ideas? One step further, why do we act like some folks are more spiritual because they hold on to these Baptist-culture rules?

Most of my “cultural Baptist” friends watch movies in their homes. But they would never enter a theater. They watch TV that has “rock” music as the theme song. But would be “offended” if they heard the same song played for warm-up music at a basketball game. (I guess it’s OK in private but not in public. See Ephesians 5:13)

I know I am ranting, but I think I know why many of our young people are leaving our circles – hypocrisy and legalism. Which is more important: the heart of the young person or the blue jeans? “Really?”