Letter from Carolyn Price – September 10, 2012

Dear praying friends,
I’d like to introduce you to Anahiz who is 15 years old. She is one of the girls in my Sunday school class and she has a very important ministry to me: she almost always saves a seat for me at church! She has a very infectious smile, and as we race to see who can find the song first that we are singing in our church hymnal (sometimes I even win), I get to see her smile a great deal. We have something very much in common, which was really how I got to know her. She struggles with math in school – and so did I. (As a matter of fact, when I attended college, those who were studying to become teachers had to take a comprehensive math test to make sure they could “absorb” all the material in the “Teaching Math” course. If you passed, you went straight to the course. If you failed, you went straight to the class for those mathematically-challenged. I didn’t even bother with the test, but went right to the second class!) Anahiz has a lovely voice and helps me in Sunday school by leading in a song or two before the lesson. She has so much potential! Please pray for her that she will continue to give her heart to God.

September 13-16 Youth Conference at our church (Emmanual Baptist Church). Please pray for our teens and for the many teens, mostly unsaved, who will be attending. One of our missionaries will be doing the preaching.
September 17 A young seminary student will spend a week with us, mostly helping out at the orphanage. Her name is Dalaiz and she is an exceptional young lady. Pray we can be an influence and a blessing to her.
September 19-21 Charo Franco (our pastor’s wife), Sharon Weibe, and I will be teaching at a Ladies’ retreat. We all have different themes and I know we would all appreciate your prayers as we prepare and as we teach.
Please continue to pray for the “Lesson Project.” We have several new lessons that we are working on. Most of the visuals only need arranging and teacher guides need to be prepared. God has provided a young woman from Vallegrande who will be helping me on Saturdays when she is able. Her name is Sandibel and she is an ARTIST! This is a real blessing, especially as I have a desire to work on missionary stories for children and the visuals will have to be drawn. (Reading missionary stories when I was first saved made a great impact in my life!)

Well, this is all for now. I am not sure I will be able to write next week because of the ladies’ retreat. Thank you so much for being willing to pray for me and for the people that make up my life here during my Santa Cruz Journey!
Your sister in Christ in Bolivia,
Carolyn, Psalms 34:18