Here a Little for July 22, 2012

Monday – read Mark 8:10-21
Why do you think the Pharisees asked for a sign?

Tuesday – read Mark 8:22-26
Jesus had cursed Bethsaida because of unbelief, so He did not heal this man in town. What does this miracle teach you about Jesus?

Wednesday -read Mark 8:27-33
Describe what motivated Peter to rebuke Jesus.

Thursday – read Mark 8:34-38
Describe the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Friday – read Mark 9:1-13
What do you think was God’s purpose at the Mount of Transfiguration?

Saturday – read 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Describe the qualities of a church deacon.

Pray for us …
Church Ministry: School Committee: Dave Rabe, Dick Winkler, Darryl Mayes, Eric Denk, Sam Kaufman, Paul Kleinmaus
This committee aids Pastor and Mr. Shaeffer in the leadership of Trinity Baptist School.
Members of this committee serve on the Forward Club and the church finance committee.

Church-supported Missionary: Robert & Brenda Oetman: Robby, Amanda, Matthew
They are currently on furlough in Indiana. They are spending time with their grandparents for the first time in a decade.

Members of the Body of Christ:
Tony McCoy
Tony works are Pick N Save South and is often in attendance at TBC on Sunday evenings.

Tom & Pat Michler
Tom and Pat split their time between Fond du Lac and Florida.
Tom had his own accounting firm in Fond du Lac for many years.

Tony & Pat Miller
Their son Dan is training to be a helicopter mechanic. Pray for employment for Dan’s wife Rachel.
Pat is the church Administrative Assistant and will teach one class at TBS next year.
Tony teaches adult Sunday School and serves on our Ministry Committee.