Doug & Cheryl Boisvert, August 2012
Cheryl and I are getting ready to depart for our trip overseas to East Africa. This will open up a new teaching venue in Tanzania with many village Pastors signing up for the classes. Each of the 4 venues have their own opportunities and challenges just crop up this week for this trip.
1) The Uganda B.E.S.T. will graduate their first class honoring the students with a Certificate in Biblical Studies. It is the first step towards a BA. We will be introducing the first courses on the next level that will challenge the students. Also the founder of this School of THeology has invited many Village Pastors farther out to come see the graduation and Lord Willing attract them to make the sacrifice to come study there in the vernacular.
2) Western Kenya site of Stage Jesus has been organizing in advance, but the Pastor has been away for almost a month studying himself. There is great potential in organizing a training program here but we are waiting on the LORD to put it together on His time with His Kenyan people. I see great potential in training men for village ministries. We will also have new lodging situation there in Pastor Thomas new mud house. Pray we can be a blessing to Pastor Thomas and his family and that God would move the students to come on time.
3) We have had both the men and women translators have serious problems in their families that might take them away the week we are teaching there. We do have until first week in September before that venue. Yet here we have had tremendous response to the teaching and ese it being used to disciple other men when the Pastors return to their ministries.
4) The new site with all things new
5) Our youngest daughter starts class es the Monday after we leave. We are praying she sees God’s hand in her life especially when we are not there!
None of these are huge problems but each had it’s challenges that we are going to be dealing with. Please keep us in prayer for that.
I just sent out a PDF prayer letter (attachment) to our list. I received a large number of undeliverable returns. If you did not receive that Tuesday or Wednesday let me know & I might be able to send it along once I get an internet connect on our travels.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
“To this end I also labor, striving according to His working…” (Colossians 1:29)