Carolyn Price – February 4, 2012

Dear Praying friends,

I had not planned on writing this week as I had written on Monday, but I got two interesting phone calls yesterday and I will need to make decisions on both.

One, the pastor’s wife here called in the afternoon.  She and her husband have many contacts of churches all over Bolivia, not only in the cities, but also in the rural areas. (He has been an evangelist for years.)  She told me that she thought it would be wonderful if we could find a group of 4 or 5 persons who would be willing to work on lessons, along with me – for Sunday school, children’s church, vacation Bible schools, etc.  I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but she also told me earlier that many of the Christian bookstores have closed down due to the high rates customs has been asking for any materials brought from the outside.  Her husband has preached all over Bolivia and this would be an open door to help these small churches who often do not have any materials at all.  She said that one of the things the pastors of these smaller congregations mention frequently as a need are materials for their ministry to children.

I also received a phone call, through an interpreter, from Marcelo Quiroga.  I have a meeting with him on Monday.  Marcelo, who is Deaf, is one of those in charge of the Deaf Association in Santa Cruz.  They are looking for a pedagogue to work with them on a book that they are preparing to help those who work in education within the Deaf community.  I tried to explain to them that I did not have the qualifications for such a job, but he still wants to talk to me.  Had I received this phone call the first week I was in Santa Cruz, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it.  But since becoming so involved with the lessons and preparing of materials, with the possibility of them being used all over Bolivia, (and that includes the Deaf communities), I am not sure how much I should commit myself to working with Marcelo.  I have tons of material and I will offer that to them, but I will need wisdom to know exactly what God wants me to do.

Please, will you pray with me that I will know God’s will clearly.  My son-in-law will accompany me on Monday, as it’s on the other side of Santa Cruz…a good hour away.

Well, this is long enough.  God bless you all,
John 3:16