Embracing Truth 4 & 5 Audio Available
After significant delay, audio from sermons 4 & 5 of our current Embracing Truth Series is now available at
Price Prayer letter
January went by in a blur – and I can’t help but feel the same about February – although February finds me in Santa Cruz and not quite finished. I know I haven’t written in two weeks, but there just wasn’t time. (I came to Santa Cruz to get some work done on my passport.) I am once again staying with my friend Sharon Wiebe. I am thankful for her (and her husband’s) hospitality!
Brechin Bridge – Bergen letter
Greetings from Brechin! The news claims the UK is having the coldest winter they have had for 14 years. There was even enough snow one day to shut down London! We actually had snow stay on the ground for three weeks. That is a first since our move to Scotland. We often get snow in the winter, but it does not usually accumulate and hardly ever stays more than a day or so.
Hanes blog
Ted and Stephanie Hanes maintain a blog for their family and friends. Of course it features pictures of Valerie! But Stephanie often writes some great stuff in response to the the Holy Spirit’s working in her life through her Bible reading. I am encouraged by her thoughts. I recommend that you check it out! http://tjsmhanesfamily.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Stephanie. Ted, too.
Wisconsin Family Coucil Report
I won’t bore you with the details. But here’s the gist: in his budget address this past Tuesday, Governor Doyle announced that he is proposing giving benefits to people in domestic partner relationships. Noticeably absent were any details. When we were able to look at the 1800-page budget bill (AB 75), we found many, many details–details that showed a radical social agenda being proposed.