Rebecca Hope Marsh
I see on Facebook that we should congratulate Roger and Joslyn Marsh on the arrival of Rebecca Hope.
I see on Facebook that we should congratulate Roger and Joslyn Marsh on the arrival of Rebecca Hope.
From time to time we hear of a minister or educator taking a Sabbatical. Many times they pursue writing or further education during this time.
I am going to take what I am calling a Teaching Sabbatical from May 23, 2010 through July 25, 2010. During these weeks I will not teach or preach at TBC. I also will not teach at TBS next school year.
Last week we saw the Antichrist and Satan from the vantage point John gives us in Revelation 13. This week in our adult Bible studies during the Sunday School hour we are in 2 Thessalonians. Here we hear warnings from Paul concerning this guy – Antichrist. Our morning service will pursue the same theme as we look at Antichrist from the view of Daniel.
Gene Green of Wisconsin Baptist for Life will be our teacher in our adult Bible studies during the Sunday School hour this week.
The morning sermon will take us to Revelation 13. The powers of darkness are at their all time peak in this chapter.
Ken Wedell passed into glory last night. The family is rejoicing to know that their dad and husband is complete again and enjoying the reunion with Jesus and family.
Pray for his wife Irene and daughters Karin and Joan.