WFBC Report

“O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast
set they glory above the heavens” This is our reason for being, the
glory of God!

Thank you for your faithful commitment to the Wisconsin Fellowship of
Baptist Churches. We rejoice over the Lord’s provision during the past
60 years to sustain this work. Your giving makes the continuing ministry

Prayer Request from Doug Boisvert

Please join us in prayer for my Dad, Rey Boisvert, the week of the 25th April. He is now scheduled for single bypass surgery for his heart. Please hold him and my mom up before God’s Throne of Grace. I do share Paul’s heartfelt burden of Romans 9:1-3 and 10:1 for my parents. God has opened the door for us to be there with them one week after the surgery.

Sunday, April 25th – The Omega Series ends this week!

For more than 6 months we have focused upon the book of Revelation in our Sunday morning considerations. This week we will look at the last 3 chapters. In our adult Bible classes we will examine the Millennium and the Great White Throne judgment in chapter 20. I will try and give us a peek at the eternal state of men during the morning service from Revelation 21-22.