Troester – August, 2010

We count it a privilege to be able to serve the Lord here in Mozambique. God gave us eight young men at one of our last neighborhood Bible studies. The school break freed some of them up to come. We looked at the 10 Commandments and saw that it is impossible to keep any one of them perfectly as God requires. An eye opener for them all.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

VBS and Revival meetings begin this Lord’s Day morning. We will have 6 meetings: Sunday School, the morning service, and then Sunday through Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. Brother Mike Manor will be here to minister to the teens and adult. Pastor Kirby Huseby will be here to work with the children. I am looking forward to a great week. Invite a friend. Make this week a priority for your family.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Last week in “Chasing the Wind” we learned that Solomon has answered his question of “What profit is there under the sun?” He now tells us that “nothing is better than that a man eat, drink, and work for these are gifts from God.” This answer to his theme of “futility” drives the rest of the book. This week we will look at “hindrances” and “wisdom” for enjoying the gifts of God.